• Just watched the review on this, and it looks amazing!! I know this group might be a bit biased, but if “someone” was looking at getting into PSG, and believed in the “buy right, buy once” mentality, would it be better to go with something like a 1301 Comp Pro, or something like this? I love that new 1301, but the thought of quad loading is scary, and liking the thought of the easy magazine changes just like on the other AR’s.


      Please don’t shoot me 🙌🏼😁

      Damien Leece and Neil Wragg
      • Agreed mate, they are pretty user friendly… 

        • Drills drills drills…….pick the method you`re most comfortable with and go with that. For me it`s a mag fed shotgun for definite. I have a lot of drill time on the AR platform and my mag changes are slick i don`t mind claiming. So it makess sense to transfer those skills to shotgun when purchase time comes. That`s how i choose what to go for anyway.

          • The thought occurs to me that those who do 2/3 gun will also be training training training on mag changes on their 22 AR, so makes sense to me to carry this over to SG….or am I missing something??

            • Yeah that`s pretty much what i outlined mate.

              • Yeah sorry pal, so totally agree. Quad loading looks great when Conners does it, but also heard just how hard it is to perfect, especially when a mag change is so much easier!

                • No need to apologise bud. It`s horses for courses init. Quad loading is a skill worthy of respect but at the end of the day you get more bang per reload with a mag.