• Hey everyone interested to find out good sources of lead for making buck and slug loads. Definitely not from the church roof.
      Is it worth visiting a metal recycling plant or would the price be too high?

      Neil Wragg
      • Bet they would charge you… 

        • True, I’m ok with that if it’s reasonable otherwise if it’s getting close to retail I wouldn’t haha!

        • Plenty of online suppliers for shot , unless you specifically want to make your own lead dropper, in which case a lot of people melt down lead diving weights

          • Yeah I use a couple of them for bird shot but this is for buck and slug home loads. Appreciate suppliers can still sell the components and reduce the over all costs but even less by making them in the workshop 👍

        • scrap lead is not expensive approx 1.30£ a kg 

          New lead is not exactly that expensive either for the quantity you would want, where abouts are you from ?